The Faculty Development Grant, a new initiative of the UNCF/Mellon Faculty Career Enhancement Programs, provides a limited number of course release and faculty support grants to faculty teaching at UNCF and Mellon affiliated institutions. This grant is to be used to support a faculty member receiving release time from one course per semester or to support activities related to the furtherance of the faculty member’s research agenda. Preference is given to MMUF or UNCF newly minted Ph.D.s who have chosen to teach within the UNCF consortium of institutions. Please complete this statement indicating how you will use your release time to support the development of your scholarly portfolio and return it, along with a copy of your C.V., to the UNCF/Mellon Programs Office. A budget narrative should be included. Completed statements may be mailed to the Programs Office at: UNCF/Mellon Programs, Spelman College, 350 Spelman Lane, Box 333, Atlanta, GA 30314 no later than January 31, 2020.